Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and the City

After many years of waiting for closure in reference to four of my favorite television characters has finally arrived - SEX AND THE CITY "the movie!" I'm looking forward to seeing Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha rekindle the chemistry that for many years had me hooked each and every Sunday night!

When the show aired its last episode a few years back I burst into tears when the credits started rolling. I couldn't control myself. I felt as though I had lost four of my dearest friends to a lifelong sabbatical to a remote location without human contact from the outside world. I immediately went into Sunday night withdrawals because for several years Sunday nights were dedicated to meeting with two of my dearest friends (Mika & Dee Dee) and dishing on what we thought about Big etc. Long gone are those days but as I sit hear they are as fresh in my memory as waking up this morning. I've never before in my life been dedicated to a show as I was to Sex and the City. It spoke to heart of single women across the globe, across color barriers and women of almost every age. The FASHION became a huge part of the show and drew me into a fashion frenzy with Vogue, Fashion Week, Manolo and Jimmy. I've yet bought a pair of Manolo's or Jimmy's yet but one day I'm going to strut myself straight into the shoe department at Neimans with my freshly pedicured toes and place my feet into a pair of leather foot gloves and not even shriek at the price. Place my plastic down on the counter and walk out with my head high and neimans bag swinging in tow. What a wonderful day that will be! Hmmmmm....martinis anyone!

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