Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Its Been A While

well I decided I should get back into posting my random thoughts through blogging. But first I need to update my photo - no longer do I have dreads but now I'm sporting a new sophisticated style (that's short for a really low cut that I never thought I would ever try). Change is good and apparently I have a small enough head that it works....LOL. I will post my new pic soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year

We are 9 days into the new year. So far 2010 has been awesome. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm so excited!

I was so excited yesterday (Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009) that I was unable to post anything. As of 11am'ish (central standard time) President Elect Barack Obama has been sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. I'm overwhelmed with joy, excitement, anticipation and change. We the people have voted our first African American President into office. Yesterday I woke up floating on a cloud because I was proud to be an American because as a country we have come together for CHANGE! From celebrities to every day people have spoken about the feeling of change that has taken over the world. Countries are expressing their support of President Obama. We have begun a new year with hope! I love seeing my president and first lady walk hand and hand. It is an amazing feeling looking at them and saying to myself "They look like me!" The dream of our forefathers is alive - a reality! Everything I'm feeling right now will be cherished. I'm still floating because we did it! Visit for yourself....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I can't believe that I have seen this day come in America - we have voted in landslide numbers to elect the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama. Emotions of joy, happiness, excitement and expectancy came over me as I watched President Elect Barack Obama take the stage in Chicago before thousands of supporters. As he and his family walked before the world tears overcame me. I didn't realize how emotional this victory was until I could no longer hold back the tears. This is no longer a dream this is change we believed in and made possible for the first African-American family to take residency in the White House. What I found most amazing was a text from Senator Obama thanking me and millions of supporters personally immediately following the results. His gratitude for my support and millions of others was felt immediately. Thank you President Elect Barack Obama for stepping up to the plate and choosing to be the voice of the American people. Thank you for being a warrior, thank you for being the man God created you to be! I pray blessings over you and your family as well as Vice President Elect Joe Biden's family.

This is just the beginning of amazing events to come for America and for President Elect Obama!
YEAH! O-B-A-M-A!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy 36th Birthday

It is official - I'm thirtysomething soon to be fortysomething. This year I didn't plan anything big - I just slept in, ran a few errands, requested Whitney to make me a few birthday cupcakes and had dinner with Penny and Gerry. I wanted my birthday (Sept 27th) to be a day I just went with the flow and did whatever. I accomplished my goal. Because Penny called that afternoon early and asked if I had plans and I told her no. She said come over Gerry and I are grilling and we want to help you celebrate your birthday. I thought how sweet and heck yeah I'm there.

I've celebrated many birthdays with Penny, Gerry and Katie Bradley. Penny never forgets and always makes you feel special. She and her family are blessings in my life because what better way to celebrate your special day than with friends who are the family you've chosen. We ate an amazing dinner and drank an even more amazing wine. Food and wine - what a great combination! We sat outside on the deck listening to Latin fusion, sipping our wine and discussing politics. Woooo....the current state of what is going on with the upcoming election, current candidates Obama (Democrat) & that "ole white haired" (Republican) will be one for the history books. Well first Obama is half Nigerian and White with the other candidate being your traditional good ole boy....who would have ever thought that the presidential race would come down to two men totally opposite in a million ways. But I can say that Obama is a gentleman to core because during and after the first presidential debate this past Friday night; he showed the world that no matter the ole white haired man's demeanor towards him he would treat him with respect and dignity.....I'm going to assume Obama was raised to respect your elders...LOL....but enough about that I will definitely have to blog about my thoughts on this.

Back to my was simple, enjoyable and exactly what God knew I needed. Turning 36 years old is a blessing that I will not take for granted. Another birthday another blessing - Thank you God!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oh Maxwell My Dear Maxwell

I can't believe after all this time Maxwell is back! I saw him recently on the 2008 BET Awards singing a tribute to Al Green. I couldn't believe it - my heart fluttered with explosions of joy just to see him singing. My mom looked at me and said "You must really like him!" reply was only YES - I've missed him dearly.
I remember a few years back when he came to the Bronco Bowl w/ Jill Scott - that was an amazing show that I will never forget. I'm looking forward to hearing his new album and hopefully seeing him live really really really soon! Welcome back dearest Maxwell you have been missed! Check out his myspace page and listen to his new single!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and the City

After many years of waiting for closure in reference to four of my favorite television characters has finally arrived - SEX AND THE CITY "the movie!" I'm looking forward to seeing Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha rekindle the chemistry that for many years had me hooked each and every Sunday night!

When the show aired its last episode a few years back I burst into tears when the credits started rolling. I couldn't control myself. I felt as though I had lost four of my dearest friends to a lifelong sabbatical to a remote location without human contact from the outside world. I immediately went into Sunday night withdrawals because for several years Sunday nights were dedicated to meeting with two of my dearest friends (Mika & Dee Dee) and dishing on what we thought about Big etc. Long gone are those days but as I sit hear they are as fresh in my memory as waking up this morning. I've never before in my life been dedicated to a show as I was to Sex and the City. It spoke to heart of single women across the globe, across color barriers and women of almost every age. The FASHION became a huge part of the show and drew me into a fashion frenzy with Vogue, Fashion Week, Manolo and Jimmy. I've yet bought a pair of Manolo's or Jimmy's yet but one day I'm going to strut myself straight into the shoe department at Neimans with my freshly pedicured toes and place my feet into a pair of leather foot gloves and not even shriek at the price. Place my plastic down on the counter and walk out with my head high and neimans bag swinging in tow. What a wonderful day that will be! Hmmmmm....martinis anyone!