Saturday, January 12, 2008

First Entry - Hmmmm

I can't believe this - I have a blogspot! What a way to start off the new year by publicly posting what I think is important or not important to me. I'm excited to know that I can now do my own thing without having to create a website...on to what this blogspot is all about....What I think.
  • "Moving Moment of the Day" I came across an article in the Sunday Edition (Early Bird version) of the Dallas Morning News *January 13, 2008 titled "Making the best of a worst situation" it's about a young women whose life was changed after developing an infection that caused her to become an amputee. I didn't know whether I should cry or shout out hallelujah because her story touched me and made me thank God for all things small or large. She is a women to salute because of her willingness to keep on going no matter what! The article posted her blogspot so check it out:
  • I love the fact PaperCity remains a free publication -may they never charge for keeping me up on what's happening in Dallas!
  • I'm consumed with cooking shows - especially when I can prepare the dishes that are easy. Watching these shows have turned me into a bonafied "Foodie".
  • When are they going to lower the prices for organic foods? I was in Central Market this morning and was in a daze at the price for a box of organic cereal....I want to shop completely organic but at the cost of what???? Not having a cell phone, cable or gas??? Hmm...I'm juggling this idea but it may be better for me to stick to what I know....Albertson's, Kroger & Walmart but offer myself a treat every now and again by taking a visit to Central Market or Whole Foods for special occasions.
  • A special thank you to Yoko for inspiring me to launch my own blogspot - thanks Y!
OK....I'm satisfied with this being my first entry. Tomorrow brings new adventures. I will try and wrap-up each entry with a positive note - there is a reason for all things that happen in our lives so embrace each experience with hope love and gratitude because in each of them there is a lesson to be learned.

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