Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January Tuesday

The past several months I've noticed that I wake up and never stop to listen. I haven't stopped to listen for God's voice, the birds chirping outside my window or to my inner voice. I rushed through 2007 without listening - I won't rush through 2008 the same way. I need to take the time to listen! Experience the moments that we all know you can't relive. I will allow myself quiet time to listen and just be. I remember growing up spending my summers in the country with my Mudear and how often she would just sit and look out over the pasture from the front porch and just sit quietly not making a sound. Back then I didn't understand but now I get it!

Take time to listen - you never know what great ideas may come your way!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

First Entry - Hmmmm

I can't believe this - I have a blogspot! What a way to start off the new year by publicly posting what I think is important or not important to me. I'm excited to know that I can now do my own thing without having to create a website...on to what this blogspot is all about....What I think.
  • "Moving Moment of the Day" I came across an article in the Sunday Edition (Early Bird version) of the Dallas Morning News *January 13, 2008 titled "Making the best of a worst situation" it's about a young women whose life was changed after developing an infection that caused her to become an amputee. I didn't know whether I should cry or shout out hallelujah because her story touched me and made me thank God for all things small or large. She is a women to salute because of her willingness to keep on going no matter what! The article posted her blogspot so check it out: www.getwelljen.blogspot.com
  • I love the fact PaperCity remains a free publication -may they never charge for keeping me up on what's happening in Dallas!
  • I'm consumed with cooking shows - especially when I can prepare the dishes that are easy. Watching these shows have turned me into a bonafied "Foodie".
  • When are they going to lower the prices for organic foods? I was in Central Market this morning and was in a daze at the price for a box of organic cereal....I want to shop completely organic but at the cost of what???? Not having a cell phone, cable or gas??? Hmm...I'm juggling this idea but it may be better for me to stick to what I know....Albertson's, Kroger & Walmart but offer myself a treat every now and again by taking a visit to Central Market or Whole Foods for special occasions.
  • A special thank you to Yoko for inspiring me to launch my own blogspot - thanks Y!
OK....I'm satisfied with this being my first entry. Tomorrow brings new adventures. I will try and wrap-up each entry with a positive note - there is a reason for all things that happen in our lives so embrace each experience with hope love and gratitude because in each of them there is a lesson to be learned.